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Before starting to disassemble the iPad 2, we need to bring to your attention to two areas where the need for extreme caution is necessary to prevent irreversible damaged if the Tablet Screen Repair will work well.
On the left side of the tablet, approximately 2 inches from the home button, is the touch screen digitizer ribbon cable. Also, on the left side of the tablet, approximately 2 inches to the right of the home button, is the Wi-Fi antenna flex cable will work after Tablet Screen Repair.
When you are separating the touch screen from the bezel with the plastic opening tool, below in Step Three, make sure to avoid using excessive force on these two parts of the Tablet Screen Repair.
Using the plastic opening tool, create separation between the trim bezel and the touch screen digitizer. • Slide the opening tool around the display assembly to release the adhesive around the entire tablet.
On the left side of the tablet, approximately 2 inches from the home button, is the touch screen digitizer ribbon cable.
Also, on the left side of the tablet, approximately 2 inches to the right of the home button, is the Wi-Fi antenna flex cable.
Tablet Screen Repair When you are separating the touch screen from the bezel with the plastic opening tool, below in Step Three, make sure to avoid using excessive force on these two parts of the tablet.
The support of the heat gun or blow dryer might be needed to soften the adhesive while working all the way around the touch screen.
Smartphones, Tablet Screen Repair, and laptops have moved from the fringe of computing to the mainstream in just five years. Sales of these smart devices exploded as consumers saw the benefits of seamless connectivity and were drawn to the simplicity of new user interfaces. In many cases, the environment benefited too, as energy efficient devices displaced older computers, and new mobile-enabled cloud systems became platforms for efficiency across the economy.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the whole story. Smart devices are smart, but the physical systems they end up in are not: 89 per cent of mobile devices in the US were thrown into landfill in 2010, even though the resources they contain mean it is economically sensible to recycle them. Many millions of usable devices are left forgotten in drawers once their owners upgrade, despite a robust second-hand market. This wastes perfectly good devices, frustrates consumers, and harms the environment
But technologists don’t have to let their hard work end up as waste after a few short years. A circular economy for smart devices would keep them in use for longer. This analysis reveals that a two year old flagship smartphone can be more attractive than today’s mid to low tier best sellers. It shows that repair makes economic and environmental sense for at least four years, and up to seven in some cases. And it demonstrates that keeping a mobile phone in use for just one extra year cuts its lifetime CO2 impact by a third.